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 本研究从节瓜根际分离到一株具有防病促生功能的荧光类假单胞菌FP1761。该菌株对部分植物病原真菌和细菌具有拮抗能力,能够解钾、解有机磷和无机磷,可产生氨、蛋白酶、嗜铁素、吲哚乙酸。生物测定表明菌株FP1761可显著促进小麦生长。生理生化、平均核苷酸相似度、16S rDNA和多基因分析将FP1761鉴定为摩拉维亚假单胞菌(Pseudomonas moraviensis)。菌株FP1761基因组草图全长6.12 Mb,(G+C)含量为59.9%,共编码5467个基因序列。将该菌株与种内3个代表性菌株进行泛基因组和核心基因组分析,共产生 4 357个共有基因,菌株FP1761特有基因327个。利用antiSMASH对菌株次生代谢基因簇进行预测,发现其含有8个潜在的次生代谢产物基因簇。其中两个基因簇与嗜铁素pyoverdine合成相关,未见聚酮类合成基因。基因组分析发现,该菌株具有与病原性假单胞菌相似的III型分泌系统,但丢失了效应蛋白调控因子hrpS和转运相关的hrpHhrpK1基因。对全基因组扫描,菌株FP1761仅保留了病原性假单胞菌的保守效应蛋白AvrE和HopAA1-1。FP1761是目前已发现的唯一具有III型分泌系统的摩拉维亚假单胞菌。本研究表明摩拉维亚假单胞菌FP1761具有潜在的植物防病促生功能,但其III型分泌系统与植物益生互作机制有待进一步解析。  相似文献   
The consequences of over-exploitation may seriously impair the integrity and functioning of ecosystems. When loss of species is accompanied by the loss of ecological processes, the effects are no longer just taxonomic and may affect the stability of the environments. Ornamental fishing is one of the main economic activities of the middle Negro River. Such activity is directed to a small number of species and has the Cardinal Tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi) as the main target species. Given the potential effects this pressure and the lack of information on its consequences, the present study analysed, through simulations, the possible effects of depletion of ornamental fish populations on the functional structure of fish assemblages, represented by functional diversity (FD) and functional redundancy (FR) indexes. We sampled 13 streams exploited by the ornamental fishery, where we collected 4,286 specimens of 110 species, of which 22 were targeted as ornamental fishing. We found that the ornamental species corresponded, on average, to 27.8% of the species and 33.3% of the FD of the assemblages. In a scenario of complete exclusion of ornamental species, local communities would lose 24.6% of the FD and reduce up to 12% of the FR. With these results, it is possible to infer that the local extinction of exploited species would cause negative impacts on the multifunctionality and the resilience of the streams ecosystems. In this way, we emphasise the need for proper management of the ornamental fisheries aiming to the sustainability of the activity and to the conservation of ecosystem functionality.  相似文献   
金农糖橘是柑橘新品种,肉质脆嫩,汁多味浓甜,有香味、口感好、品质极优。该品种果实挂树期长,采摘上市时间弹性大,耐贮藏,市场发展前景好。本文概述了金农糖橘的特征特性,并分别从肥水管理、花果管理、病虫害防治等几个方面总结了该品种的栽培管理措施,以期为金农糖橘的品种推广提供依据。  相似文献   
为初步了解硅藻土对储粮害虫的防治效果以及与害虫磷化氢抗性发生发展的关系, 本研究采用直接拌粮法(设置剂量梯度为0?0.2?0.4?0.6 g/kg和 0.8 g/kg)测定硅藻土对赤拟谷盗?杂拟谷盗?锈赤扁谷盗?谷蠹?玉米象的防治效果, 以及磷化氢抗性杂拟谷盗(抗性倍数为 2.3~144.7)对硅藻土的敏感性差异; 除此之外, 本研究还分析了0.4 g/kg硅藻土在 4 种粮食(小麦?玉米?大豆?稻谷)中对赤拟谷盗的杀虫效果?研究结果表明:一定剂量(0.2~0.8 g/kg)的硅藻土均能够在一定时间内有效杀死上述 5种储粮害虫, 不同储粮害虫对硅藻土的敏感性存在显著差异(P<0.05), 其中杂拟谷盗对硅藻土的耐受性最强, 玉米象对硅藻土最为敏感?除个别品系外, 不同磷化氢抗性品系的杂拟谷盗对硅藻土的敏感性不存在显著差异(P>0.05), 且与磷化氢抗性无关; 硅藻土在不同粮食中对害虫的作用效果存在显著性差异(P<0.05)(处理 7 d后, 死亡率为 13%~98%), 其中在大豆中对赤拟谷盗的杀虫效果最强, 在玉米中对其作用效果不明显?因此本研究得出结论:硅藻土对主要储粮害虫均具有一定的防治作用, 且对抗磷化氢的杂拟谷盗具有良好的致死效果?因此, 硅藻土具备成为储粮害虫防治及其磷化氢抗性治理药剂的潜力?  相似文献   
桔小实蝇寄主范围广、繁殖量大、危害重,是世界性的重要检疫害虫。本文通过调查分析,研究了云南蒙自市的海拔、防治措施、果树种类三因素对桔小实蝇种群动态的影响。结果表明,桔小实蝇在1412 m低海拔地区的种群数量大于1608 m和1700 m高海拔地区的,这说明海拔越高,桔小实蝇种群数量越小,危害也越小。根据在相似海拔地区相同果园桔小实蝇种群数量的比较,发现严格按照本课题组探索的防治措施做好桔小实蝇防治能收到良好的效果。蒙自市的水果成熟期不同,随着各种水果的成熟,桔小实蝇种群动态会出现多个峰值,3~5月桔小实蝇种群高峰期主要出现在枇杷园,7~10月主要出现在石榴园、小红枣园和水蜜桃园。对桔小实蝇在蒙自种群动态的调查,能够为下一步防治措施的制定做好准备。  相似文献   
5种农药低空喷雾防治黄脊竹蝗成虫效果分析   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0  
为确定低空喷雾无公害药剂防治黄脊竹蝗成虫的林间最佳浓度水平和用药量,掌握低空喷雾施药技术,在福建省三明市三元区的毛竹林建立试验区,应用无人机开展低空喷雾防治试验。结果表明:药后7 d,5种农药的防治效果均超过90%,其林间最佳浓度水平(药剂与纯净水的体积比)为:1.5%苦参碱可溶液和1.2%烟碱·苦参碱乳油均为1:1 000;25%阿维·灭幼脲悬浮剂为1:700,1%苦参·藜芦碱可溶液和4%鱼藤酮乳油均为1:600,原药量用为900 mL/hm2。5种农药防治效果良好,可推广应用于防治黄脊竹蝗成虫。  相似文献   
规模化猪舍废气复合净化系统设计与试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为解决规模化猪舍废气排放造成的环境污染问题,设计了一种猪舍废气复合净化系统。该系统采用化学法与水洗法相结合,通过PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)控制系统实时采集净化系统内的pH值、电导率、液位和压差等动态环境数据,智能控制洗涤泵启停和电磁阀通断,自动完成供水、加酸、喷淋和排废4个工作环节。同时,控制系统采用MCGS触摸屏与PLC建立通讯,通过创建人机交互界面实现系统环境数据监测、运行状态流动显示、按需配置系统参数和报警信息输出等多种功能,实现了系统操作的人性化和过程的可视化。系统可根据实际应用中对净化效率和运行成本的要求,实现多种控制模式,均有效抑制了猪舍废气排放。试验结果表明,系统对主要污染成分氨气的平均去除率可达到85%,整体运行可靠、控制简单,经济成本量化清晰。该系统在江西某种猪场实施应用,成效显著,可为畜禽养殖环境废气净化处理的工程应用提供参考。  相似文献   
本文针对平凉地区近年来常见玉米病虫害及防控方法进行分析,旨在解决病虫害对玉米生产的影响,从而提高玉米产量和品质。  相似文献   
Large quantities of high protein fish meals are needed to sustain cultured species and thus the impact to marine ecosystem has been highly discussed. The aim of this study was to apply a PCR‐cloning methodology for a robust insight into the composition of commercial fish meals and feeds for farmed species of the Greek mariculture, assessing the risk posed by aquaculture to marine ecosystems but also the risk posed by commercial fish feeds to the increase in trophic level of species farmed in Greece. 89% of the sequences were identified to species level and only 11% to genus/family level. Overall, a total of 49 taxa were identified (44 fish species/taxon, five non‐fish species/taxon). Even though small pelagic fish like Engraulis sp. were the main portion, a wide range of species constituted the fish meals and feeds. Plant and animal species were also detected as an alternative protein source. Feed products employed in Greek mariculture still contain large portions of fish meals which increase the mean trophic level of farmed species causing a farming up trend. The results emphasize that such molecular methodologies are needed to certify aquafeeds allowing fish feed producers to demonstrate their commitment to sustainable aquaculture.  相似文献   
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